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Applause - .mp3
Single claps
Cheering small crowd
Clap in unison in a small room
Stormy applause in a small room
Stormy applause from a small crowd indoors
Applause in a small room
Applause in the concert hall
Cheering a small crowd indoors
Ovations of a small crowd
Ovation in a small room, bravo screams
Clap in unison at the theater
Ovations of a small crowd indoors
Stormy applause
Ovation of fans, children and adolescents
The noise of, Stormy applause at the stadium
Ovations in a small room
Crowd in the theater, setting up a, applause
Laughter and applause in a small room
Laughter and applause indoors
Applause in the theater
Stormy applause in the room
Theater ovations
Ovation in the concert hall
More sound effects:
The rumble and wave of the lightsaber
Starts, leaves,, A man sits on a motorcycle
Throw a jacket on the floor
Sword battle two people screaming
Boxing, body blows in boxing gloves
Malaysian ringtones