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Wood - .mp3
- Bumps, Breaking furniture, wood, slivers fly
- Stand up, move, sit down, Wicker chair
- Crackle branches
- Throwing wooden sticks on concrete, earth,
- Dragging a wooden object over a metal surface
- Creaking wooden bed (Creaking noise)
- Creaking wooden bed
- Squeak of a wooden deck of a ship
- Wooden gear rotation
- Creaking wooden floor
- Dragging a wooden object across the floor
- Wooden trolley
- Squeaking wooden deck of a sailing ship
- Stick, Mop is falling
- Plywood comes off
- Board breaks
- Cracking tree, falling tree
- Rocking chair
- Pull a branch with leaves
- Tree falls in the forest
- Wood creak
- A tree falls on a house
- A wooden barrel falls to the ground
- Striking a wooden object
- Wooden rattling
- Wood floor splitting
- Stand up, Wooden chair, sit down, move