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✔ Sound Effects .mp3
Money - .mp3
Funny sounds for donations
Drop some more money
Musical notification about donation
Short music suitable for donation
Music suitable for donation
When money was donated
Coins from the slot machine
Poured coins
Close, Small safe open
Electric cash register
Manual banknote counting
The handset of the payphone rises, hangs,
Dropping, Throwing coins into the machine
Spinning coins on the table
Throwing coins on the table
Coin toss
Printout of receipt, Electronic cash register
Tossing a coin into a pay phone
Cash drawer
Removing coins from the cash desk
Old cash register
Banknote Counter
Cash reset
More sound effects:
A small item is thrown into the water.
The ball goes through, Basketball in the gym
A fire engine rides by with a siren in the
The subject falls on the wooden floor.
Driving in a car, turn signal
Malaysian ringtones